Mandy’s girl friend was running late coming home from work. She was tired of waiting so get’s ready for bed. She put on a sexy blue nighty and started to turn in when Brenda get’s home. Brenda wanted to unwind a little after a hard days work. Mandy knew what that meant for her. Tired and not really wanting to play she gives in to Brenda’s wishes. The girls head to the play room where Brenda puts Mandy in a nice and tight hogtie. When Brenda is done, seeing Mandy was ready for Nighty Night she just leaves her there to struggle and have a good night.
File name: bren_0865_Nighty-Night-3000-MP4.mp4
File size: 236 MiB
Duration: 14 min 45 s
Format: MPEG-4
Resolution: 1280×720