Sterilized Gown, Microcurrent Device, and Venus 2000 Encouraged Orgasm! Hinako House of Bondage

This video is the ultimate fantasy for anybody who is into authentic medical situations and bondage! Dr. Hinako preps for the procedure by getting perfectly sterile with her disinfected gown and medical gloves. She then preps the patient by sitting him down in a gynecology chair and putting a medical orange rubber mask on him. She further secures the patient by putting mittens on his hands and using plastic wrap to secure him to the chair. She continues by connecting 2 breath control tubes to his rubber mask, and affixing a series of pads and cords to his whole body, for delivering low frequency electric shocks. She makes sure to include his most sensitive areas, such as his nipples, penis and testicles. Finally, she hooks him up to the Venus 2000.
Without any regard for his inability to move or speak, she carries out the operation to extract his sexual fluids!
Everything is in the capable hands of Dr. Hinako.

File name: hina_907_1.mp4
File size: 528 MiB
Duration: 17 min 8 s
Format: MPEG-4
Resolution: 1920×1080
