After weeks of torment, tickling and bondage Kimmy finally gives in so Brenda thought. Brenda brings Kimmy in for another session. Kimmy is very obedient and listens to every thing she says. Brenda is impressed and thinks she is finally broken. After about an hour of torment Brenda leaves to take care of some things. Kimmy works her hands from her cuffs. Takes off the spreader bar and goes to work on the head harness. About that time Brenda comes back. Kimmy grabs Brenda and subdues her. Kimmy strings up Brenda to give a little payback. Nude and vulnerable Brenda has know choice but to take everything Kimmy dishes out like she made her do many times.
File name: bren_After_Weeks_She_Finally_Gives_In.mp4
File size: 346 MiB
Duration: 22 min 43 s
Format: MPEG-4
Resolution: 1280×720