Katrina – MILF taped up in a strict hogtie, jimhunterslair

Poor Katrina sits on the floor in the lair with her arms taped together with black electrical tape. The sticky tape binds her wrists and elbows tightly together. Her booted ankles and knees are also bound in black electrical tape and her mouth is packed and more tape is stuck to her cheeks sealing her mouth shut. She struggles helplessly on the floor trying hard to break free from the tape. It stretchs but she can’t seem to get enough leverage to break free. The Hunter comes in with more tape and to end her frustrating struggles. He begins by wrapping her forearms up with more tape completely covering her arms from her wrists to her elbows. But he isn’t finished yet, he continues to wrap the tape down her hands taping her hands and finger together. Katrina cries and begs into her gag to no avail as he then pulls her booted ankles up to her ass and attaches her ankles to her arms with yards and yards more of the black sticky tape. He leaves her there completely helpless hogtied on the floor with tape.

File name: jh_HL071610kat_MILFtapehogtie.mp4
File size: 49.7 MiB
Duration: 7 min 4 s
Format: MPEG-4
Resolution: 640×480
