The manacles bit into her wrists, but she had to ignore the pain. Freedom was so close, just a few feet away, yet it mocked her with it’s proximity. The drool cascaded down her chin as she mewled in frustration and pain. All she had to do was reach the key that lay just out of reach. Maddeningly, infuriatingly out of reach. She stretched her limbs, grasping with her toes, praying for just another inch, hoping for a miracle. Her grasping toes, wiggling and straining but the key to her freedom could not be grasped. Her chest was slick with drool, her nipples growing hard from the chill in the air. She was nearly ready to admit to defeat and accept her captivity, but suddenly her toes grazed the key! She managed to slide it towards her, gripping it in her toes. Now how to reach the manacles that kept her wrists trapped high above her head? Contorting, lifting her foot as high as she could, her breath quickening she said a silent prayer. Then, despair. The key slipped from her tenuous grasp and clattered to the floor, bouncing under the bookcase she was anchored to! Now what would she do? She slumped in her bonds, sobbing, knowing she had lost.
File name: cas_cara_stretch.mp4
File size: 605 MiB
Duration: 14 min 32 s
Format: MPEG-4
Resolution: 1920×1080