Brenda Bound – I Had A Bad Feeling Someone Was Watching Me, brendasbound

It was a beautiful morning and I was going out for my walk. I went to the same place I always walked. This time was different. I had a bad feeling someone was watching me. I kept looking around but didn’t see know one. The further I went the more scared I was. As the fear set in I got disoriented and lost track of where I was. I ended up on a trail I had never been on. I was lost and alone so I just ran. That’s when it happened. He came out of know where and had me. I tried to fight but he was to strong. He drags me up the trail next to a tree. He tied my hands high over my head and duck taped my mouth shut. I was shaking with fear. Thinking the worse. What this man was going to do to me. He ripped open my shirt and began to grope me. I beg him to let me go. I tell him I will do anything just please don’t hurt me. After he gets his feel he took me down and lead me to an old bridge. He hogties me on the bridge and leaves me there. I have know idea how I did but I managed to get loose. All I could think about was run and not stop hoping he wouldn’t find me.

File name: bren_0772_I-Had-A-Bad-Feeling-Someone-Was-Following-Me-3000-MP4.mp4
File size: 215 MiB
Duration: 9 min 53 s
Format: MPEG-4
Resolution: 1280×720
