I go to Brenda Bound’s house to bring her the paperwork for the sale of her home. I’ve been a realtor for decades and swindling dumb female home owners is my specialty. I spread the papers out and begin double talking Brenda shoving the pen into her hand and telling her to sign. She begins asking too many questions and I blow her off. Brenda starts looking a bit too closely at the documents and she discovers that I am the purchaser of her home and that the price is tens of thousands of dollars less than I told her. I try to calm her down and explain things to her in a reasonable calm manner but Brenda is pissed and she a wet rag over my face. My eyes roll back into my head and I’m. I don’t even realize that Brenda tied me up. I wake up to find my arms bound together behind my back and my elbows jammed tightly together. There is a chest harness so damn tight that it is an effort to breathe. The My brain fog quickly dissipates as finishes me off in a tight hogtie. I struggle but the bondage is super tight and painful and I am scared to roll off the table. I beg Brenda for a chance to let me explain things to her. I still think I have things under control and that I can persuade Brenda to simply sign on the dotted line. Brenda threatens to hurt me if I don’t shut up. Brenda is no fool and she realized that I totally deceived her. She is determined to make me pay for my treachery. She pulls out a weird looking device and it into my mouth sealing it in with elastic bandage. I struggle like crazy but the gag is doesn’t budge and soon Brenda begins pumping the penis gag so that it fills my mouth completely and I can barely breath. I choke and gasp as she gropes and fondles my bound body. I try to beg and plead for mercy but my words are completely muffled by the mouth filling gag. I’m scared now but Brenda isn’t done. She cracks my ass and pumps up the gag a few more times then leaves me helplessly bound, gagged and struggling to breath on her table.
File name: migg062817_brenda_realtor_mp4.mp4
File size: 158 MiB
Duration: 10 min 8 s
Format: MPEG-4
Resolution: 1280×720